S.B 411

Small Business Information and References

June 17th, 2012

The 5 traits of radically successful people

The 5 traits of radically successful people

I have a crazy idea: success isn’t just about hard work. We hear about hard work all the time—it’s what Olympic champions talk about when they get to the top of the podium and it’s what the media credits as the sole force behind of multimillion-dollar Internet entrepreneurs. But there has to be something else in the equation of obtaining unimaginable success. What other traits tipped the odds in favor of the world’s most successful people?
What helped propel their careers before they had track records?
For the past year I’ve been fortunate enough to interview some of the world’s most successful people to find the answers to these very questions. Below are just a few of the traits I’ve noticed that have stood out in the personalities of people who have truly made it big:

1. The Audacity to Break the Rules

2. An Irrational Level of Commitment

3. A Hunger to Solve Problems

4. A Ferocious Drive to Do More

5. A Sharp Focus on Playing the People Game


Wrapping up

Success can come in different fields, but the principles behind it are one. From Sugar Ray Leonard chasing the school bus to Peter Guber’s corkboard, these stories show the unique personality traits that tipped the scales in favor of the world’s most successful people.
Success—while defined by everyone on their own terms—is something that truly manifests itself once you make that mind-set shift and tell yourself it’s go time. Are you ready to make that shift?

~ Click HERE for the FULL Article ~ An ABSOLUTE MUST READ! Thank You VentureBeat.com and Alex Banayan ~ 

  Alex Banayan is a venture capitalist at Alsop Louie Partners in San Francisco. His upcoming book will feature 25 of the world’s most successful people and will focus on the little things they did to propel their careers. He is 19-years-old. For more, sign-up for Alex Banayan’s newsletter here.

June 16th, 2012

5 Ways to Turn Twitter into Your Most Powerful Social Media Tool

What do you use as your daily Social Media dashboard every day?5 Ways to Turn Twitter into Your Most Powerful Social Media Tool
Most likely not Twitter.com I am guessing.
Yet, in recent months, there were a great number of browser extensions released, specifically for Twitter.com. They help you create a much greater experience right inside Twitter.com.
What I like best about this is that you are in charge regarding how many bells and whistles you are adding. You can basically fully customize your own Social Media dashboard.
So here are my top 5 finds you can use to make Twitter.com a truly powerful Social Media tool for you:

Tool #1. Klout for Chrome

Function: Find top users more easily

Tool #2. Buffer

Functions: Optimal timing, multiple accounts posting and old school retweets

Tool #3. Pocket

Function: Save your best article finds to be read later

Tool #4. Tweet Filter

Function: Unclutter your Twitter stream from the noise

Tool #5. Embedly

Function: Get full media previews right inside Twitter.com

5 Quick Workflow Tips To Optimize Your Day On Twitter

Adding those 5 lightweight solutions to your Chrome browser have saved me hours of time every day. In case this helps you at all with your personal workflow, here is how I approach every morning on Twitter with just 20 minutes per day:

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